Roasted Beets and Other Veggies

Everyone has a favorite way to roast beets, here’s mine.
Roasted Beets and Other Veggies
- Peel the raw beets
- Dice into 1 inch cubes
- Toss in olive oil
- Bake on metal baking pan in a hot oven, 425 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
- Watch them, because ovens vary and you don’t want them to burn.
While you have the oven hot roast a few other veggies for the week. They keep for days. I like to keep them separate on the pan so I have multiple options throughout the week and so I can remove them from the oven when they’re done. Some veggies take more time than others. This week you could roast:
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage wedges (they become so sweet when roasted)
- Garlic cloves, Roast and store them in their skins until they’re cooled and ready to use.
- Eggplant
- Broccoli
Make sure to view this in desktop mode for all the details.