Green Bean Abundance
Cascading Kitchen Notes
Since cooking a meal all the way from scratch just before the meal is served is often more time than most of us can come up with on any given day, we're always looking for methods of preparation that will allow us to invest in future meals by applying effort in bulk preparation and storing it in small packets. Not only is the food now partially prepared saving time and energy after a long day's work, but it is sitting there reminding us of menu ideas which is often the most difficult thing to conjure up.
This method of green bean preparation is one of those ideas and is so much better than reaching full green bean capacitance by the middle of August! Preparing them just this far makes their use very versatile: straight with butter, a tasty part of a shepherds pie, or add some ground beef and your favorite sauce over rice or part of a tomato base or soups.

What to do with all these Green Beans
When farm production revs up like it does this time of year
It’s helpful to have a few tricks in your bag.
When green beans arrive they come in quantity especially when the weather cooperates.
It you haven’t discovered the value of a bean frencher this is the perfect time.
It allows you to condense the volume of beans so they fit in the tight spaces of your freezer AND to put energy into future meals at the same time.
Here's How it Works
- Wash and pull the strings from the beans if necessary (not all varieties of beans have strings).
- Push them through the bean frencher one at a time. It goes pretty fast especially if you make a zen thing!
- Once the beans are frenched:
- Steam them for 3 minutes then
- Spread them out on a cookie sheet so they'll cool quickly.
- At the same time (this requires multitasking) start caramelizing the onions.(Figure approx. 1 large onion per 1 lb. of green beans)
- Slice the onions in slivers and slowly sauté in ample olive oil. This takes time but eventually they’ll turn golden in a few places and the onions will smell sweet. Don't rush this part.
- Once the onions and beans have cooled, gently toss them together, distributing the onions evenly throughout.
- Store in 1 qt. Zip lock bags.
- Now you’re half way to dinner come next Jan.
Optional topping:
- 2 cups fresh diced tomatoes
- 2 cloves minced garlic
- ¼ cup red wine vinegar
- ¼ tsp sea salt
- Fresh black pepper to taste.
- Fresh herbs of your choice (oregano, basil, marjoram,thyme)
Once the green beans are cooked and on a platter, top with this tomato mixture.