Week Four Video, Jubilee Farm CSA
Cleaning and preparing vegetables from your CSA box. (2:02)
The process of cleaning and preparing vegetables is a creative time of developing what your menu will look like this week. Instead of pulling out a recipe of what you might make each meal, let your inspiration come from the box of veggies in front of you; let them lead the way. You might not have a plan for everything, but getting the vegetables prepared and processed to some degree will take out so much of the work that bringing the food to the table later in your busy week becomes an enjoyable venture. A good part of your meal is already partly prepared and with that knowledge the rest of the inspiration will follow.
Start slicing, sorting and washing when you have an hour to dedicate getting to know your food.
Just the process of touching and changing the food in your box will have the effect of turning it into creative potential instead of a mass of vegetable matter in the fridge that keeps relentlessly calling.
Replumping slightly wilted Romaine (9:42, 15:21)
Quick Refrigerator Pickle (10:02)
Preparing Scallions for storage and use (12:50, 16:17)
Early Season Zucchini prep, storage and use versus later season (16:52)
Celtuce prep and use (19:45, 21:01)
Particulars about choosing a Food Processor (20:38)
What are those things in the store they call baby carrots? (21:21)
If you're new to a Northwest Farm Diet
It's easy to think "there are just too many greens". Push past that initial reaction as an indicator of potential change and quickly find that you'll never have too many greens. They find their way into every nook and cranny of your diet bringing health changing nutrition along with great new flavors.
Stuffed Grape Leaves, Dolmades or Dolmas or Dolmadakia (28:56)
Whatever you call them they represent an ancient tradition from a wide variety of cultures. Discover your roots, benefit from the process of making them and enjoy a sumptuous meal.
Tips to Saute an onion (1:26, 6:40, 8:18)
Cooking Grass Fed ground beef with notes about spices (8:29, 14:52)
Pre soak your rice...why? (29:48)
Yogurt Cheese Appetizer (23:03)
It's fun and easy to make. Modify it with what you have at hand to be as creative or as simple as time and brain cells allow.
Tzatziki (25:32)
You can make it with the standard cucumber OR you can veg it up and really turn it into a meal.
How to make a Zucchini Sweat (27:24)