We’ve adopted this Japanese word for times when change gets to be a little overwhelming. It is an encouragement to improve one thing…make it just a little-bit–better. Kaizen refers to a system of continual improvement. Fundamental to improving our lives is the easy acknowledgment that we don’t get it right. It is so easy to become overwhelmed with all the things we “should” do to eat more healthfully and support a sustainable food system in our region. As happens in most sociopolitical movements, a self righteous attitude arises from some dark corner suggesting that one person or group has found the way, our energies are wasted in proselytizing so the power that could have come from a shared journey is lost. There is so much to learn; we are reweaving a broken “rope of knowledge”. It seems that every time we turn around we’re doing something “wrong”. Kaizen says, “Don’t be overwhelmed by the big picture. Just identify one thing important to you and work to make it just a little– bit– better.” A little more flavor, a little less processed, a little more nutrition, a few less empty calories, a little more celebration at meals with family and friends and a bit less fast food on the run. Come and join us. We have lots to learn and would benefit from your experience.
Terrie, what a great reminder that it isn't always "all or nothing". Small changes steering in the right direction are positive changes. It is about learning.