Star Anise Refrigerated Pickled Beets
Posted on by Terrie
Cascading Kitchen Notes

Star Anise Refrigerated Pickled Beets
Using 2 bunches of beets
Cook beets (either method)
- Bake
- Cut of the tops, wash and wrap in foil and bake in a 350 degree oven for 45-50 minutes.
- Peel after the cooked beet has cooled. The skin will rub off.
- Boil
- Remove tops leaving about 2 inches of stem as well as the tap root. This will seal the beet and keep it from bleeding to death in the water.
- Boil in the water until the root feels a bit soft (15-20 min. depending on the size of the beet)
- Remove from the water, cool and slip off skins
Slice the cooked and peeled beets into ¼ inch thick rounds, or into 1/2" square chunks, and place in a large stainless bowl.
Cover with hot pickling brine and allow to cool.
Pickling brine:
Bring to a boil in a non-reactive pot:
- 1-1/2 cups Seasoned rice vinegar
- 1 tsp salt (no stabilizers or iodine)
- 1 cinnamon stick-optional
- 1 star anise
- ¼ cup honey or sugar
- 2 cloves of smashed garlic
- 1 Tb fresh grated ginger
- Options: 1 tsp. peppercorns, Hot peppers and/or sliced onion- add them to the beets as they marinate.
For a ½ gal jar, ¾’s full of diced (1/2 inch) boiled/skinned beets, double the above recipe and you’ll have just the right amount of brine.
You can refrigerate these in a jar for several weeks. (if they last that long!!)