Sauteed Greens with Olives
Cascading Kitchen Notes

Sauteed Greens with Olives (Misticanza)
This recipe can be found on page 105 in the Six Seasons cookbook. It is available for purchase at the Farm store in addition to all the normal places. There are 20 copies available through the King County Library. We'll continue to work our way through this book. Below are modifications that we have made to the recipe.
- Use a mixed blend of pitted, marinated olives rather than just brined kalmata olives. The flavor will be more buttery and less sharp.
- Mince the olives so you have 1.5 heaping TBS finely minced olives/recipe
Also very important…
When starting the sauté:
Use ¼ cup of olive oil in a heavy bottom pan. Slowly warm the ingredients being very careful NOT to burn the garlic. Takes about 5-7 min.
- Mince the garlic-don’t slice it as stated in the book.
- 1/8 tsp red pepper flakes
- ¼ tsp sea salt
- ¼ tsp black pepper
- Zest from 1 lemon
Once the oil has melded with the other ingredients add the
- chiffonade greens and
- minced olives.
Any greens will work. We used 1 gallon of chiffonade mixed greens.
Only cook for 3-4 min. as a quick sauté.
Add :
lemon juice once you taken the pan off the heat
- After cooking, fold in 3-4 cups chopped lettuce (great way to use lettuce that’s a bit past its prime)
- Steam 1 lb of cubed potatoes and fold into the prepared greens for a more substantial dish.
- You could sprinkle it with feta cheese and take it in a Greek direction.
We sampled the greens with 2 different sauces.
Pick the one that sounds best for your family.
"Citrus Vinaigrette" Pg. 41 Topped with homemade bread crumbs.
"Spicy Fish-Sauce Sauce" Pg 43 (used very little jalapeno) Topped with toasted sesame seeds
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